Johannes H smit
Huidig onderzoek
PProf dr. J.H. (Johannes) Smit (male, 1959). In 2010 Smit was appointed as the chair “methodology of longitudinal psychiatric research” at the Amsterdam University Medical Center. He has been Director of the Department of Research & Innovation of GGZ Ingeest (a large specialized mental health hospital) for 15 years and among others an executive board member of the Sure-NL consortium (Suicide Research Netherlands), (previous)board member of six EU Horizon 2020 funded studies in the field of e-health for mental disorders across Europe.
He is currently a senior research advisor for 113 Suicide Prevention Netherlands and an executive member Of the Dutch Steering group on Suicide Prevention for the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands (2021-2025, VWS). He is also member of Alliance of Mental Health Research Funders (IAMHRF): section Common Measurements for Mental Health
He is a methodological expert in building research infrastructures and collecting and analyzing large amounts of complex data from ‘difficult’ populations. He was originally trained as a Survey Methodologist. He (co)authored more than 350 peer-reviewed international articles, has an H-Index > 100, and supervised >30 PH-D students.
- Methodology
- Research Infrastructures
- Data quality in Interviews
- Smit JH, Dijkstra W, & Zouwen J van der. (1997). Suggestive interviewer behaviour in surveys:
An experimental study. Journal of Official Statistics, 13 (1), 19-28. - Mokkenstorm J, Franx G, Gilissen R, Kerkhof A & Smit JH. Suicide Prevention Guideline Implementation in Specilist Mental Healthcare Institutions in The Netherlands. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 May 3;15(5).
- Eikelenboom M, Beekman ATF, Penninx BWJH & Smit JH. A 6-year longitudinal study of predictors for suicide attempts in major depressive disorder. Psychol Med. 2018 Jun 13: 1-11. Doi: 10.1017/S0033291718001423.